Tuesday, April 14, 2015

sightings: feathered friends: osprey

The ospreys are back!

Where: Along Hwy 153, aka the SW Bellevue Hwy, west of Amity, Oregon, just beyond the Broadmead Road junction.

Factoid: In the winter, The male and female of a Pacific Northwest osprey pair migrate separately, and head south to Mexico, then reunite at their nest in the Pacific Northwest sometime between mid-March to mid-April. The couple will use the same nest each year.

Factoid: An average nest can weigh more than 200 pounds and measure close to 4 feet across. The osprey's diet is 99% fish, so nests are built very close to a river or creek

Because ospreys have a  tendency to build nests on power and telephone poles, (which can pose dangers to the birds and can cause disruption of power), extensions are sometimes built above the pole, as in this case.

Factoid: Eggs are laid from mid April to mid May and will hatch about five weeks later.

Looks like some greenery from the surrounding farmland took root over the winter.

Nice touch!
Time to settle in.

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