Friday, June 5, 2015

earthlings: fauna: insect: dragonfly: flame skimmer

scientific name: libellula saturata
aka: flame skimmer dragonfly, firecracker skimmer dragonfly
habitat:  ponds, streams, hot springs in the Western United States.
sighting: in our backyard, willamette valley, oregon.
(we are lucky to have two different neighbors close by with small ponds in their yards).

all photos copyright Susan Faye 2015
This beautiful earthling often visits our backyard in the late afternoon when tiny bugs are abundant in the warm air.

He has a few favorite perches where he quietly waits for tiny insects to pass by, then he swoops and grabs them in mid-air.

Here he is chewing up his tiny tasty treat. Yum!

Mother Nature certainly outdid herself on the wing design, don't you think?

 It's great to be a winged thing!
For more information, visit Flame Skimmers

( It's a beautiful and crazy planet.
Go forth and ramble! )

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