Monday, January 26, 2015

recycle, reduce and re-use: drinkware

My new favorite mug. 


1. I'm recycling: I bought it second-hand at Goodwill for $1.99 to give it a second life, rather than have it end up in a landfill.
2. I'm re-using: I'll be using and re-using this beautiful mug possibly for the rest of my life.  And it will still have a good hundred years of usefulness after that.

3. I'm reducing: By re-using this cup every day for the rest of my life instead of using throw-away paper or styrofoam, or plastic cups that wear out and require energy to recycle, I will have reduced the need for thousands upon thousands of those items that require energy and resources to manufacture, only to end up as non-biodegradable matter in our ecosystem.

Besides, it says TREE HUGGER.  
It just doesn't get better than that.

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