Saturday, January 10, 2015

destination: oceanside, oregon

Oceanside Beach State Recreation Site, Oregon, USA
Ramblers: Susan and Dave
Season: Winter

 Earthling Sighting: Crow

Three Arch Rocks National Wildlife Refuge is located just off shore of the beach in Oceanside

Maxwell Point juts out into the sea at the far end of the beach

 Earthling Sighting: Seagull

 The end of the tunnel that takes you through Maxwell point to the aptly named Tunnel Beach

Field Notes: A mild day for January, but the ocean was wild and gray and choppy. Maxwell Point juts out into the ocean at the far end of the beach, and there is a small dark doorway in the side of the cliff. Enter and you will find a narrow, black, rocky, dripping tunnel that leads to another beach which should only be explored during low tide. (Warning: always be aware of large sneaker waves which can contain floating logs. It's a good idea not to turn your back on that beautiful but unpredictable ocean along the Oregon Coast...)
For more information about Oceanside visit

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